For researchers.

How do people become professors in Germany? How can I discover what options there are in other sectors? Is my application portfolio ok? We’ll help you find the answers. You will benefit from our independent expertise and our cross-sectoral network.

We advise, connect, promote and fund. For empowered researchers.

»The GSO provided the perfect channel to meet fellow early career scientists as well as senior investigators across disciplines and institutions. The friendly and supportive exchanges were exactly what I needed when I started my own research group!«
Dr. Tuan Leng Tay, Group Leader, Assistant Professor University Boston, KT Boost Alumna
»The energy and enthusiasm with which the GSO supports me in my development of becoming an independent scientist are truly uplifting.«
Dr. Lysanne Snijders, Assistant professor at Wageningen University & Research, KT Boost Fund Fellow
»The GSO is a very special organization with wonderful people, who were an essential element in starting my career in Germany.«
Dr. Silvia Keppler, Technology Engineer at DöhlerGroup, Darmstadt

For scientific institutions and enterprises…

You would like to offer workshops or other career development formats?  Or you want to enhance your visibility to researchers? We offer innovative formats and support you with our network and connections in the (international) scientific community.

»Working with the GSO during our workshop “Career Development” was a lot of fun. The information about career opportunities in research and non-academic sectors, application strategies and exercises to develop strengths and values were target-oriented and very helpful for our professional and personal development.«
Mirjam Seeliger, PhD Student, INOQ GmbH (Participant and Co-Organizer MSCA Interfuture Workshop Career Development)
Florian Bruhns
»I am convinced that GSO’s work and engagement for researchers’ careers closes an important gap that exists despite all the science funding from the public and private sectors.«
Florian Bruhns, Global Lead of Employer Branding & Talent Attraction KWS Group

News & Events


To Be Honest Conference 2024: Recap
The *Tbh-Conference 2024 provided a forum where peers and experts shared advice and informal knowledge - the kind that is usually based on watercooler conversations or lucky coincidences. We summarized the opening and closing sessions of both days!
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