Mental health strategies for junior scientists Neuroscientist and Scientific Advisor Elliot C. Brown interviewed experts Desiree Dickerson, Hendrik Huthoff and Nicola Byrom on advice and guidance in challenging times. Read More
Small Streams, Big Impacts Keeping up with the Boost Fellow Dr. Clarissa Glaser. She focuses on how small streams (in German: Bäche) exchange water with their surrounding environment—and how this exchange will be affected by climate change. Her work highlights the vital role of headwater streams, paving the way for better predictions and sustainable solutions in global water management.
Authentic Visibility for Researchers Learn how clarity, consistency, and confidence can help early-career scientists share their work. Small steps and authentic messaging open doors for recognition.
The Social Side of Mathematics Keeping up with the Boost fellow Sam Sanders. Sam explained his research on computing with continuous data, drawing from Turing and Kleene’s work to develop new mathematical approaches. He also shared insights on academic growth, the power of bold ideas, and the importance of diversity in mathematics.
Glass Ceilings in Academia: Strategies for Overcoming Systemic Barriers Explore methods to challenge hidden obstacles in academic careers - how community-building, mentorship, and inclusive policies can open up glass ceilings for researchers.
A Researchers’s Guide to Academic Fixed-Term Contracts in Germany Explore the complexities of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) in Germany. Learn about the 6+6 rule, international challenges, FAQs, and strategies for academic career planning.
Landscape Ecology and Managing a Research Grant Keeping up with Alice Mockford. Besides talking about her Boost Fund journey, Alice gave insights about her research: How biodiversity loss and climate change threaten insect ecosystem services, and how greenveins management can support beneficial insects.
*Tbh-Conference 2024Welcome and Closing Sessions Day 2 The *Tbh-Conference 2024 provided a forum where peers and experts shared advice and informal knowledge - the kind that is usually based on watercooler conversations or lucky coincidences.
Leading Research and Pursuing Habilitation in Immunology Keeping up with the Boost fellow Sabrina B. Bennstein. Sabrina discussed her research on immune system development, focusing on the thymus and innate lymphoid cells. She also shared insights on leading a research group and the key steps involved in pursuing habilitation for an academic career.
*Tbh-Conference 2024Welcome and Closing Sessions Day 1 The *Tbh-Conference 2024 provided a forum where peers and experts shared advice and informal knowledge - the kind that is usually based on watercooler conversations or lucky coincidences.
Advancing Microbiome Research KT Boost Fund Fellow Youssef El Mouali shared his thoughts on how failure and progress help advance microbiome research, highlighting the importance of adding valuable knowledge to better understand its complexities. He also shared what motivates him: the thrill of making new discoveries.
Leading with Authenticity KT Boost Fund Fellow Lorenz Adlung shared his approach to leading a research team emphasizing transparency, trust, and team culture. He highlighted the importance of personality fit in hiring, strategic science communication, and the influence of his East German background on his career and identity.
Explore Our Career Resources – What’s Missing? We're here to support your career journey with articles, webinars, peer stories, and practical tools. Tell us what else you'd like to see.
Rocks Making Waves Keeping up with Maria-Elena Vorrath. She talked about her innovative project, that can offer sustainable CO₂ removal solutions. She highlighted the importance of industry collaboration, effective communication, and fostering future talent to maximize the impact of scientific research.
Combining Practical Experience and Creativity in Experimental Physics Keeping up with Hilary Noad. She discusses her innovative research on applying pressure to materials at ultra-low temperatures, emphasizing the importance of hands-on experience and creativity in experimental physics.
The Importance of Perseverance in Grant Applications Keeping up with Ignacio Rodriguez Polo. Ignacio talked about his research on gastruloids and their role in early human development, highlighting his collaboration between the UK and Germany. He shared his passion for cooking and emphasized the importance of grant applications.
A Perspective on Science and Discovery Keeping up with Vahid Nasirimarekani. Birte and Vahid discussed his research focused on understanding the origins of life. They also discussed Vahid's unique academic journey, his approach to science, and his ambition to establish a dedicated research institute in Germany.
Mentorship and Breakthroughs in Neuroscience Keeping up with Frederic Römschied. Frederic talked about his project on social flexibility in Drosophila, emphasizing how mentorship has been pivotal in his career.
Careers Beyond Academia in Humanities & Social Sciences Humanities and Life Sciences offer diverse opportunities beyond academia, but finding the right fit can be challenging. We spoke with Marco Valero Sanchez and Christoph Senft, who provided valuable insights on transitioning to industry.
Finding the Right Fit: Strategies for Attracting PhD Candidates Keeping up with Deniz Kumral. Birte visited Deniz to talk about her research on slow-wave sleep disruption. Deniz offered insights into finding suitable PhD students for a research project.
Insights on Transitioning Between Institutions for Postdocs Keeping up with Svetlana Klementyeva. Since Svetlana transitioned to a new institution for her second postdoc, she shared her experiences and offered some helpful advice for fellow postdocs.
Cost Considerations in Scientific Research Keeping up with Inmaculada Martínez Reyes. Inmaculada introduced Birte to her project and talked about the steps, processes, and costs of her research on the metabolomics of cancer immunology – and what the Boost Fund did for her.
Flexibility in Funding: A Game Changer for Researchers Keeping up with Oya Cingöz. She tlked about the Boost effects and career development and shared her advice for those progressing in academia.
On Learning to Let Go in Research Keeping up with Henri Niskanen. Henri gave Birte a tour of his institute, where they discussed molecular genetics, his move to Berlin, and his life as an experimental researcher.
The Path to Leadership: Building Strong Collaborations Keeping Up with Stefanie Bärthel in Heidelberg. Stefanie and Birte met and talked about good practises in collaborations, the selection process at BioMed X Institute, and how the Boost Fund career development program has helped her in gaining more confidence to strive for leadership in academia.
How to apply for the KT Boost Fund 2024 Our wrap-up of the KT Boost webinar, the best advice from two experts, and our answers to your most urgent questions.
The Dr. Wilhelmy-GSO Travel Expenses Program: Recap of 10 Years For a decade, the Dr. Wilhelmy-GSO Travel Expenses Program has helped international researchers attend in-person job interviews for academic positions in Germany. As the program celebrates its 10th anniversary, we explore its impact through the stories of beneficiaries.
Embracing Independence and Responsibility in Research Keeping up with Zahra Razaghi-Moghadam. Birte discussed with Zahra the evolution of her field of metabolic engineering and her experience as an independent researcher in Potsdam. Zahra also reflected on how receiving the Boost Fellowship grant has increased her independence and responsibilities in her research career.
Academic Career Perspectives in Germany: Junior Research Groups Leading an independent junior research group is an opportunity for young researchers to qualify for a professorship or other leadership roles. This article offers tips and resources on selecting the right program, along with guidance on funding options, host institutions, application preparation, and network building.
The Importance of Being a Good Supervisor The Keeping Up with the Boost Fellows series aims to shine a spotlight on the journeys, challenges, and achievements of our Fellows. This time, we talked with Dr. Domenico Azarnia Tehran about the KT Boost Fund and the importance of being a good supervisor.
The Importance of Support Systems and Funding on Research Success Jingyuan Xu is a Klaus Tschira Boost fellow. She shares her journey from aspiring scientist to group leader and provides inspiring insights into navigating academia and personal life.
From Application to Award: How a Neuroscientist Secured the Emmy Noether Grant Dr. Casey Paquola, a Klaus Tschira Boost Fund Fellow, shares her year-long journey to securing the prestigious Emmy Noether Grant, revealing the strategies, challenges, and important moments that shaped her success.
The German “Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz” in a nutshell - Revised version 2024 The Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz” (WissZeitVG ) - German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act - has undergone another reform in 2024. This is a quick and dirty summary of what we think you need to know about the changes. We also offer some ideas of what you can do.
Applying to academia from abroad Whether it's a junior professorship, tenure-track position, or group leadership, strategic planning is essential for an academic career. A convincing application is crucial. We have compiled tips and resources to help you navigate the challenging application phase.
How to use your fears to create a fulfilling career inside or out of academia Do you know your inner monsters? Our expert Dr. Ulrike Schneeberg can help you to get to know them, help you to solve challenging leadership issues, and help you to develop personally.
tbh-conference: Career Real Talk - The Summary 2023 The tbh-conference provided a forum where peers and experts shared advice and informal knowledge - the kind that is usually based on watercooler conversations or lucky coincidences.
Making (virtual) meetings more inclusive Unconscious biases can pose a challenge to inclusivity in (virtual) meetings, impacting the interaction and participation of certain groups. This is why team meetings can be challenging, for instance when working in international research groups. People have different personalities, some are more extroverted and others are more quiet. To make your meetings more inclusive and bring in all of your colleagues' perspectives, we have summarized our learnings in a checklist for you.
Digital tools that help you to stay organized in academia Digital tools helping with work flows and team collaboration are commonly used in business contexts. However, you can easily adapt them to your needs as a group leader with a small team or as a postdoc with multiple collaborators. And most importantly, digital tools make it easier to manage yourself. We show you how to use them best.
Tips & tricks for your job search as an international scientist in Germany Seher is a Transfer Manager in Pharma and became an expert on getting hired in Germany through her own experience. She helps researchers interested in transitioning from academia to industry with state-of-the-art career tips and free webinars.
How to get into deep work You're reflecting on a recent period and noticed that you had (maybe as in previous years) more stress, published less, and written fewer grants than you thought you could have or should have done? Fret not – you're not alone. Our former Leadership Academy Fellows Josefine, Nicola, Martin, and Julian decided to do something about - and wrote that inspiring and motivating Blogpost for you.
Tips for a successful cover letter for non-academic jobs Form, introduction, body, and conclusion - We show you what you should pay attention to in a cover letter. One tip in advance: Never, never, never start with »I hereby apply for...«.
Career Perspectives in Science Ph.D., habilitation, and subsequent professorship? What does an academic career in Germany look like? We show you an overview of the career paths in the German science system.
Tips for a successful CV for non-academic jobs Form, structure and what about a photo? We will give you practical tips for your CV that will make it easier for the addressee to get a good picture of you.
Understanding non-academic job ads Job ads reveal a lot about an organization and are instructions on how to apply - but they need to be deciphered. Here are our tips.
How to create & present an Academic Poster We talked to a young PI about preparing a poster presentation. Here are his best tips on preparation, structure and content.
tbh-conference: Career Real Talk - The Summary 2022 The tbh-conference provided a forum where peers and experts shared advice and informal knowledge - the kind that is usually based on watercooler conversations or lucky coincidences. This article wraps up all the learnings, our speakers' key messages and gives honest insights into the German academic system.
What to Expect when Expecting in the Lab Mary Kate Mitchell Lane is a PhD Candidate in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at Yale University with a focus in Green Engineering. Together with her peers at Yale she published a review on challenges to expect during pregnancy in a lab and how to overcome them.
Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES) Are you interested in taking your doctoral studies to the next level, expanding your presentation skills, or developing a start-up idea with other PhDs and postdocs? Then Young Entrepreneurs in Science is right for you!
Was machst du eigentlich bei ...? Als Wissenschaftler in die Wirtschaft. Ole ist nach seiner Promotion und einem Postdoc im Ausland in die Wirtschaft gewechselt. Er arbeitet als "Project Lead Design & Engineering (D&E) Stage Components" bei ASML Berlin (ehemals Berliner Glas GmbH). Erfahrt hier mehr über seinen Weg dorthin, über seinen Arbeitsalltag und welche Tipps er für Wissenschaftler*innen hat, die sich für eine Karriere in der Industrie interessieren.
Succeeding in your future postdoc How can you strategically plan your postdoc? What are key factors for setting yourself up for a successful postdoc? Career Advisor Thalyana Stathis, PhD, shares her expertise and offers helpful insights.
Außerakademische Stellenanzeigen verstehen Stellenanzeigen verraten viel über eine Organisation und sind Anleitungen zum Bewerben – sie müssen aber dechiffriert werden. Hier unsere Tipps dazu.
From Academia to Business In our recent webinar, we discussed how to leverage a strategic approach to transition from a career in academia to business. Our two guests – Eva-Maria and Silvia - talked about their career path, how they figured out what to do after academia and how they found and landed their jobs.
Tips & tricks for your job search (from a scientist in business) Mariana Cerdeira holds a PhD in Medical Neurosciences and works as a consultant at Catenion, a pharma consulting firm in Berlin. With us she shared how she transitioned from academia to consulting.
Und wie hast Du gegründet? Von der Wissenschaft ins eigene Unternehmen Erst die Postdoc-Stelle in der Spitzenforschung, dann die Management-Position in der Wissenschaft – Dr. Iris Köhler befand sich auf einem guten Karriereweg. Doch der Wunsch nach Unabhängigkeit war groß. Und so wagte Iris den Schritt in die Selbständigkeit mit ihrem Unternehmen „The Scientist Coach“. Ihren Gründungsweg schrieb sie für uns auf.
The best of both worlds - Academia and Startup in Medicine Scientists are already equipped with some of the most important traits of an entrepreneur. And you might be able to combine the best of both worlds - so did Mridul, who is a scientist AND a founder. We asked him about his career path.
Academia and Entrepreneurship - A case for more academic founders How can you spin your research into a startup? We asked Dirk Riehle, professor of Computer Science and advocate for founders with an academic background, for insights and advice. His passion for entrepreneurship has become a big part of his professorship and Dirk has been developing, guiding, and supporting startups from research.
4 ideas for overcoming inertia in the academic system If we want an academic system fit for the future, we have to support a more diverse group of academics today, so that they become the progressive leaders tomorrow. It is hard to make systemic changes as an individual, but there are small things each of us can put into action. By Anne Schreiter
Dein Job mit Sinn Annika Behrendt kennt sich bestens mit den Anforderungen im Nonprofit-Bereich aus: Als Teil der Geschäftsleitung der Personalberatung Talents4Good berät sie Arbeitgeber*innen zur Stellenbesetzung und hilft Talenten, ihren Traumjob mit Sinn zu finden.
Social Media für Wissenschaftler*innen – ein Good Practice Beispiel 95% aller Wissenschaftler*innen nutzen Social Media. Aber welcher Kanal ist der richtige für mich und was bringt mir das? Wir haben unseren Fellow Dr. Marcel Pawlowski gefragt, der eine gute Strategie für sich gefunden hat.
Career Strategies in Crisis: How to reframe your career path Rakesh Kasturi is the co-founder of Life Sprint, a virtual workshop for people to get career clarity in a safe and supportive way. Figuring out the next career step is not always easy and can sometimes become quite lonely. We spoke to Rakesh about getting #unstuck in research careers.
So unterstützt euch der Deutsche Hochschulverband auf eurem Karriereweg Der Deutsche Hochschulverband (DHV) vertritt Wissenschaftler*innen und bietet euch hilfreiche Services und Informationen, z.B. im Rahmen eurer Bewerbung auf eine Professur. Prof. Dr. iur. Hubert Detmer gibt Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen - z.B. dass ihr auch als Wissenschaftler*in im Ausland Mitglied werden könnt.
Karriereperspektive Wissenschaft Promotion, Habilitation und anschließende Professur? Wie sieht eine wissenschaftliche Karriere in Deutschland aus? Wir zeigen euch in einer Übersicht die Karrierewege im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem.
GSO-Interview: Berufsziel Professur Welche möglichen Qualifikationswege gibt es für eine Universitätsprofessur in Deutschland? Und wie bewerbe ich mich auf eine Professur? Diese Fragen diskutieren wir mit unserem Experten Prof. Dr. iur. Hubert Detmer vom Deutschen Hochschulverband (DHV).
Mentale Gesundheit & Zeitmanagement Dr. Manuela Schuetze arbeitet als Project and Implementation Manager bei Minddistrict und ist Alumna unserer Leadership Academy. Nicht nur beruflich engagiert sich Manu für das Thema »Mental Health«, das auch in der Wissenschaft immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt.
Tipps für einen gelungenen CV für nicht-akademische Jobs Form, Aufbau und was ist mit einem Foto? Wir geben euch praktische Hinweise für euren CV, die es dem oder der Adressat*in erleichtern, ein gutes Bild von euch zu erhalten.
Als Sozialwissenschaftler in die Wirtschaft Dr. René Sternberg ist promovierter Soziologe. Als Informationsarchtitekt begleitet René Organisationen bei der Einführung von komplexen Intranetsystemen. Im Interview berichtet er von seinem Wechsel als Promovierter in die Wirtschaft.
Tipps für ein gelungenes Anschreiben für nicht-akademische Jobs Form, Einstieg, Hauptteil und Schluss - Wir zeigen euch, was ihr bei einem Anschreiben beachten solltet. Ein Tipp vorab: Startet nie, nie, nie mit »hiermit bewerbe ich mich um...«.
From Phd to Business – Karriereperspektive Industrie Nicht nur in der Wissenschaft kann geforscht werden, sondern auch in und für die Industrie. Aber was bedeutet das konkret und wie kann der Einstieg gelingen?
Job Portals & Resources for Science, Industry, and the Non-profit Sector Whether research centers or universities, industry or foundations, the job market in Germany is large and diverse. We have compiled job portals for all sectors for you, as well as websites and blogs to learn more about job profiles and career stories.
2 Pieces of Advice that helped me in my Career Transition Dr. Anne Schreiter advocates for researchers and scientists. At the GSO she and her team offer guidance and programs to help PhDs on their career path. Anne talks about why she believes in planned coincidences and what question turned out to be the tipping point for her career.
I Did Not Become a PI – Now What? Advice for you to take charge of your project (and career) – our pick from Enago Academy.
How to build a career strategy and why this might help you We put together four pieces of advice that help you build your career strategy as an academic. Putting together such a strategy will take time that you could be using to write that paper or finish that experiment – but we think it is no less important.
Zwischen Wissenschaft und Diplomatie Dennis Schroeder forschte am Center for Science Diplomacy in Washington D.C. und zog anschließend weiter zur Weltbank nach Neu Delhi. Wenn es zu Herausforderungen zwischen Staaten kommt, kann internationale wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Gräben überbrücken.
Führung in der Wissenschaft Auch wer selbst noch keine Mitarbeitenden hat, kann schon jetzt Fähigkeiten und ein Gespür dafür entwickeln, wie er oder sie später einmal führen möchte – oder wie auch nicht. Prof. Dr. Matthias Karg teilt seine Erfahrung als Führungskraft in der Wissenschaft als Institutsleiter.