Dr. Wilhelmy-GSO Travel Expenses Program

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Karina Holme Nielsen
German Scholars Organization e.V.
Friedrichstrasse 60
10117 Berlin
Phone.: +49 (0) 30 2060 5271
Application Process
We are happy to receive applications at anytime. The application must be submitted at least two weeks before the start of the candidate’s journey. Applicants are the universities.
The program is exclusively for the so-called STEM subjects with a technical focus.

When planning to take a job in Germany researchers abroad are often confronted not just with the problem of the time needed to attend a job interview in Germany but also the costs involved.
For their part, public research institutions and universities are often unable to pay travel expenses from abroad.
About the program
The Dr. Wilhelmy GSO Travel Expenses Programme supports public universities, universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions in their efforts to recruit staff internationally.
Under this program, travel expenses for attending job interviews in Germany from abroad can be refunded to a maximum of € 2,000.
Travelling to job interviews for the following positions is eligible for funding: W2/W3 professorship, junior professorship (W1/tenure track), FH professorship and head of junior research groups.
The program focuses exclusively on the so-called STEM subjects, including
- science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology…)
- technology, (Computer Science,…)
- engineering,
- mathematics.
A prerequisite for a successful application is a technical focus on the research subject.
German applicants must have been working abroad for at least 18 months at the time of application.
For more information on requirements and the application process, please visit the German page on the Dr. Wihelmy-Reisekostenprogramm.