Our Third Virtual *To Be Honest-Conference – Career Real Talk for Researchers on December 5 & 6, 2024!

*To Be Honest-Conference provides a forum where peers and experts share valuable advice and informal knowledge—insights that often emerge from watercooler conversations or serendipitous encounters.

This years topics:

  • The Future of Academia: Hands-On Ideas and What Can Be Done Today
  • WissZeitVG: Everything You Need to Know (or Didn’t Dare to Ask) About the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act
  • Glass Ceilings in Academia and What You Can Do About Them
  • Authentic Visibility for Researchers
  • How to Set Yourself Up for Lucky Coincidences: Academic Careers in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Beyond Academia: The Employer’s Perspective
  • What You Should Know and Don’t Dare to Ask About Selection Committees

Our goal is to help you envision a clearer path for your academic career, manage your expectations about the next steps, and make your voice heard within the research community. While we focus on the German academic system, these insights are valuable for researchers everywhere.

While the topics are relevant for researchers everywhere, we will focus specifically on the German research system. We welcome registrations from researchers across all disciplines who already hold (or are close to completing) a PhD, including postdocs, new group leaders, and professors. Leaders and experts from other areas of academia are also encouraged to join.

To Be Honest Conference Summary Day 1

The Future of Academia: Hands-On Ideas and What Can Be Done Today

The Opening Session set the tone for two days of honest and transformative discussions, while speakers emphasized the importance of creating a positive vision for academia while confronting systemic challenges, encouraging active engagement and collaboration, while the wrap ups summarized the key learnings and actionable strategies participants could take with them….

…. while the Close-Up Session of the To Be Honest Conference 2024 was a reflective conclusion with takeaways and a space to digest insights from the event.

*To Be Honest Conference - Summary Day 2

Day 2 began with a sense of anticipation and purpose. For many researchers, the academic journey can feel like an uphill climb—isolating, uncertain, and competitive. But as the To Be Honest Conference made clear, it doesn’t have to be.

At the sessions, speakers gathered to discuss challenges they rarely talk about out loud: visibility, career shifts, and the hidden processes of academic hiring. It wasn’t just about airing frustrations but finding tools, perspectives, and connections to move forward.

Summary 2023:

Our conference helped participants to

  • envision a clearer path towards future success,
  • manage expectations about immediate next steps, and
  • make their voice heard.

Get access to our latest article with all learnings, recordings, and tips from the speakers.

Summary 2022:

An Honest Exchange with Experts from Academia & beyond

Our speakers were peers and experts who know about the challenges of the (German) academic system first-hand. They openly shared their experiences and learnings, and were also there to listen the audience’s ideas and suggestions.

Get access to our latest article with all learnings, recordings, and tips from the speakers.


Our Partners

The tbh-conference is supported by AlumNode – Your network by Klaus Tschira Stiftung and possible by funding from the foundation Klaus Tschira Stiftung.


The German Scholars Organization (GSO) has been supporting researchers who want to build a career in Germany for 20 years. Our mission is to empower researchers to use their full potential despite a system full of challenges.