Our Workshops

Module 1: Career options for researchers
We provide an overview of career prospects for researchers in the academic and non-academic field. We introduce options in science, business, science management and the non-profit sector and give examples of career paths.
We are happy to invite guests from our network as role models and experts to share their experience with you.

Module 2: Developing a career strategy
What can I do and what do I want?
We use practical exercises to develop strengths, competencies and values which help researchers make and implement career decisions.
We help identify and communicate transferable skills and give advice on networking and authentic self-marketing strategies.
We then define the next concrete steps in implementing individual career goals.

Module 3: Application strategies
We optimize application portfolios to address employers in science, business and other sectors. We point out the differences between scientific and non-scientific CVs.
Together with the participants, we analyze job offers and offer advice on preparing a persuasive cover letter and CV.
Upon request, we hold individual consultations, either during the workshop or subsequently on a one-to-one basis.
We, Anne & Birte, know what researchers need from our own experience. In our training we use interactive formats and innovative methods.
We transitioned from academia to research management and the nonprofit sector; Anne also moved from the U.S. back to Germany. Along the way, we learned what works and what doesn’t. That’s why we focus on finding strategies and answers with and for researchers.
Birte Seffert is a systemic coach (Coaching Spirale Berlin). Anne Schreiter is a systemic coach and consultant (ECA certified). We have many years of experience in conducting trainings and workshops – and we really enjoy it. We are embedded in a wide-ranging, cross-sector network. Depending on the topic and scope, we invite experts from our network to contribute to the workshops.
Workshops (remote & live)
„Identifiying Personal Resources and Goals“ and „Building your Career Strategy“, Hector Academy
„Karrierestrategien für Wissenschaftler*innen“ // „Netzwerke & Sichtbarkeit“, RKI
CV Checks at the Career Day Humboldt Universität Berlin
„Karrierestrategien für Wissenschaftler*innen“, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BauA)
ZEIT Workshop „Internationale Rekrutierung von Wissenschaftler*innen“, since 2020
Workshop “Karrierewege für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler*innen“ für die Graduate Academy Jena
„How to build your career strategy and find your strengths as a female researcher”, Uni Bielefeld
„Discover and Communicate your skills and strengths“, iScientist
GAIN Conference, since 2016
„How to Build Your Career Strategy as a Researcher“, Leibniz Association