tbh-conference: Career Real Talk - The Summary 2023
An Honest Exchange with Experts from Academia & beyond
After the successful conference in 2022, this year saw the second edition of the tbh. Our conference helped participants to
- exchange on framework conditions in academia,
- manage expectations about immediate next steps, and
- make their voice heard.
While the topics were relevant for researchers everywhere, we focused on the German research system.

We invited peers and experts who know about the challenges of the (German) academic system first-hand and openly shared their experiences and learnings.
Find out more about them on our event page 2023.
To be honest,…
…if you are confused or frustrated, remember, that you are not alone!
…there are role models out there willing to help. Reach out to them.
…you have agency – be proactive and connect!
Opening Session: Inconvenient truths in academia and how to deal with them
Watch the discussion with:
Brando Okolo, Director, Steinbeis-Consulting Centre IMAPS
Claudia Matthäus, Assistant Professor Universität Potsdam
Uli Rockenbauch, Head of Administration Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung (IZW)
Oya Cingöz, Principal Investigator Robert Koch Institute
Key Messages:
Be open to new opportunities: Tell people what you want to do, and don’t be afraid to put yourself up there.
People may approach you when they see you perform and your actions can attract other people.
In environments with high competition: Do network, find powerful people to stay in touch with, and have a clear profile that communicates your fit.
Do not underestimate yourself when things are seen as requirements rather than achievements – Know your worth!
Find (multiple) mentors and don’t be afraid to ask people to become your mentor.
Recap: Insights into other Sessions
Our Partners
The tbh-conference was supported by AlumNode – your network by Klaus Tschira Stiftung, and made possible by funding from the foundation Klaus Tschira Stiftung.